Cambrai Day-Men of “B”Squadron 1st. Royal Tank Regiment-Sek Kong 1957.
Primary tabs

Submitted by Bryan Panter
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, November 20, 1957
- Cambrai Day-Men of “B”Squadron 1st. Royal Tank Regiment-Sek Kong 1957. shows Place Shek Kong Army Camp / Barracks [????- ]
- Cambrai Day-Men of “B”Squadron 1st. Royal Tank Regiment-Sek Kong 1957. shows Organisation 1st Royal Tank Regiment [????- ]
On parade
Top photo- all men of “ B” Squadron awaiting inspection prior to marching off to the remembrance church service,sadly after all these years l can only remember the name of 2 other persons on parade, Ian Reed, second man in on left hand side, I’m next to him, looking down at my polished boots?? behind me is Stan. Balchin. Hoping Fred Evans looks at these photos as l recognise some of these soldiers among his many photographs especially the soldier wearing glasses on front row. Bottom photo. Off we go, all passed inspection, old soldiers and Airmen note the precision heels and thumbs parallel to ground!!
Commanding Officer. 1st.Royal Tank Regiment.
The commanding officer of 1st. Royal Tank Regiment while in Hong Kong 1957-1959 was Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart Inglis Howard-Jones, [1913-2002] in july 1944 he was a squadron tank commander in Normandy France, when awarded the Military Cross, and later in the war awarded the D.S.O. He signed my National Service Soldier Discharge Record [army book 111] on 26 Apr. 1958 prior to my returning home, leaving Hong kong on 4 May 1958 on Empire Fowey.
The Adjutant of 1s R.T.R. during this time was a Captain Beede-Cox? [but not certain of this]