Jacobus VAN DER LELY [????-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Jacobus VAN DER LELY [????-????]

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Van der Lely


From US Border Crossings from Canada to US

30 July 5 1935 Jacob Van Der Lely (sic) in passenger list arrived at Victoria BC Canada from Yokohama Japan via Hong Kong on the Empress Japan. He was recorded as engineer born  Maasland Holland . Last place of residence Japan Passport issued Hong Kong 23 June 1935. There are two identical entries for this same event. On both a thick black line covers his age but it has been transcribed as 31 on one record and 51 on the other. So dob was about  either 1884 or 1904.

However on  23 September 1935 Jacob Vanderlely (sic) age 31 engineer  arrived in Southampton from New York en route to Holland. The date has been mistranscribed on Ancestry as 1936 but is clearly 1935 on the passenger list.

And on 17 November 1948 Jacob Vanderlely (sic) age 44  born Maasland Holland arrived by air in Houston Texas USA c/o Caribbean Petrol Company. Place of embarkation Balboa

The date of birth is most likely circa 1904 and he was unaccompanied on the journeys above.

Could this be him?

1941 Jurors List  Lely van der Jack Engineer Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Co. Ltd.

In many public records the surname is Lely van der


The DOB I've seen for him on a Stanley Camp list is 1885. It wasn't uncommon to adjust ages by a few years, but 20 years seems a lot more than usual, so I'm not sure how to explain the different dates above.

Burial records Maasland Holland

Jacob Lely van der (sic) born 5 September 1884 died Maasland 19 April 1968

Could this be him?

Did he survive Stanley incarceration?

He did survive Stanley, so that 1884-1968 record looks like the same person. I suppose there could be a father and son with similar names, but it seems more likely they all refer to the same person.

Here are likely matches from the Jurors Lists. The first is in 1918:

c Lely Jacques van der Mechanic Alex. Ross & co     6 Wing Ning Street  

He next appears in the list for 1925:

c Van Der Lely   Foreman China Sugar Refining Co., Ld.     19 Morrison Hill Road  

Then in the 1926 list he returns to the earlier name format:

c   Lely Jacques van der Foreman China Sugar Refining Co., Ld.     20 Ewo Street  

He has the same details in the lists for 1927 and 1928. The next list we have transcribed is 1941, with another change of name spelling:

c   Lely, van der Jack Engineer, Hong Kong & Whampoa Dock Co., Ld. On premises.

He seems to have altered his name. Did he do the same for his children? Annie, Angie and Connie are not typical Dutch names. I have found a Cornelia. Could she have been Connie?  

Angie is probably Anjje

Jacques Bruin Marie LELY van der 27 Jan 1895 - 13 April 1993 ?

On 29 Oct 1946 the following family took an air flight from Amsterdam to New York in transit to Columbia.

Jacob Van der Lely 44  b Maasland Holland Shell Oil Company, Mrs Mary S P Van der Lely, Ary Jan (sic) age 8, Peter Jacob age 7 and Marie Sophie age 4


The names of the children - Annie, Connie, etc - are how they were referred to in Barbara Anslow's diary, so they're likely to be informal nicknames rather than their official names.

So can we say the Jacob, born c.1904, who worked for Shell Oil is a different person from the Jacob born c.1885 who was in Stanley Camp, and that we can ignore references to c.1904 Jacob like the Caribbean Petrol Co. mention in 1948?