It was usually the U.S.Navy fleet that we saw in the harbour in 1957/8, although the Royal Navy's Far Eastern squadron occasionally came into port, as did ships of the Australian navy. In 1958, I visited the carrier, H.M.A.S. Melbourne when she was moored alongside the Royal Naval dockyard and, on the same occasion, an Australian submarine that was in the dock. In my, Andrew Suddaby's, gallery there is an image taken on the Little Sai Wan camp road showing several naval ships drawn up in review in Junk Bay. The following photographs of a range of naval ships might have been taken by Bruce at that time. The submarine centre left is possibly the Australian submarine mentioned lower down. Pill box 59 is on the extreme left.
Harbour a.

Submitted by Andrew Suddaby
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1958
David has just pointed out
David has just pointed out that it’s not PB 59 on that pier. I now see that the building has several windows, so it was probably some sort of store. Andrew