Address: Peking Road, Alpha House, Flat E1, Mezzanine Floor (opposite the President Hotel).
Spider's Web Discotheque
Primary tabs

Submitted by moddsey
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1975
- Spider's Web Discotheque shows Place Spider's Web Discotheque [????-????]
- Spider's Web Discotheque shows Place Alpha House [1964- ]
Could this be a predecessor? Or was this one located at Mary Building next door?
Signboard of the Above Establishment
As seen here Googling 69 Peking Road gives the Metropole Building.
House number
Hi moddsey, thank you for this information and link. I'm now quite sure that the Playboy Cabaret was in the Universal Commercial Building and not the Metropole as this is number 57. I created a place for this building. I also think I've seen the photo in your link on Flickr, will try to find it.
Regards, Klaus