Harold Clitherow MARGRETT [1899-1996] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Harold Clitherow MARGRETT [1899-1996]

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Harold Clitherow
Hide Birth
c.1899-05-25 (Month, Day are approximate)
Birthplace (town, state): 
Sparkbrook, Birmingham
Birthplace (country): 
Hide Death
c.1996-01-01 (Month, Day are approximate)

DoB from John Black's list, which gives Mr Margrett's occupation in 1941 as "Manager General Electric Co.".



Harold Margrett and his wife Wyn were interned at Stanley where she was active in amateur dramatics. He was both before and after the war Managing Director at General Electric and as a trustee of St. John's Cathedral helped to raise funds for its restoration in 1947. See Stuart Wolfendale's book, 'Imperial to International', pp.185-8. I think in the book it is mis-spelt as Margarett; the name was I believe Margrett. The couple in 1959 were living in Claygate, near Esher, Surrey. They were friends of my grandparents'; I have letters from my grandmother to my grandfather whilst she was staying with them there in September-October 1959. 

A search in HKGRO turns up a couple of matches:

  • Item 63 in the Gov't Gazette for 17 Jan, 1941, notes that from 1st of January, Warrant Officer Harold Clitherow Margrett was Acting Sub-Lieutenant in the Minewatching Branch.
  • The Jurors Lists for 1938 and 1939 both list him as the Manager of the General Electric Co. of China Ld., living at 295 The Peak. (Both lists misspell his middle name as "Chitherow".)

A search on his full name turns up a page about him with lots of photos & additional information: http://www.allen-family-tree.co.uk/harold.html

Thank you very much for this info. Very helpful. 

He married Ethel Winifred Kate Thomson 7 June 1925 at St. Mary's Putney