Cornwall Avenue [c.1912-c.2009] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Cornwall Avenue [c.1912-c.2009]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 
c.1912-01-01 (Year, Month, Day are approximate)
Date Place demolished: 
c.2009-12-31 (Year, Month, Day are approximate)

Named after: I guess it was named after the British county, as an adjoining street was named Bristol Avenue, another location in southwest England.


  • c.1912: Street first laid out.
    • It was likely laid out by 1912, as mentioned in the comments below.
  • c.1913: Street named.
    • The earliest mention of Cornwall Avenue I've found on HKGRO is in point 139 of the PWD AR for 1913.
  • c.2009: Street removed after area re-developed
    • The street name was removed when the K11 shopping mall was built on the site. The line of the street is still clear to see today, as a pedestrianised area at ground level running through the K11 site.

Other points of interest:

Photos that show this Street


Hi David,

I think that 1913 could be the date of completion. I checked and I found the first entry on a 1920 map. All earlier ones do not show a street where Cornwall Avenue was located.

One more thing: when I look on Gwulo maps, I can't find the marker. Please check it.

Regards, Klaus

Hi Klaus,

Adding streets to the map is still on the to-do list.

Regards, David

The PWD AR for 1912 mentions new roads, so Cornwall Ave was probably already formed by then:

Item (xviii). This work was rendered necessary by the development of K.I.L.’s 574 and 575, in connection with which an old stormwater course was obstructed. It consisted of the laying of 15" and 18" earthenware pipes in Mody Road with necessary manholes and connections to gullies which intercept the water discharging from two new roads on the lots already mentioned.