1960s TST Clock Tower | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1960s TST Clock Tower

1960s TST Clock Tower
Photo received via email
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1960


I never expect to see it again but there it is - right there at the very end of the train track, those bumper stoppers mounted on concrete platform. I loved looking at them every time before grandma and I climbed on the train in the 1940s. And next to the station was the post office (one with the red roof). It was a huge space usually with three or four customers buying stamps on several occasion when I was there. In contrast, there was a post office 1/10th the size, on Nam Cheung Street above the mullah, where I had to struggle my way in among 20 other adults (no queue), JUST TO BUY STAMPS.