Pillbox 202, Grasscutter Pass [1937- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Pillbox 202, Grasscutter Pass [1937- ]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 
Date Place completed: 

Year completed is: Approximate
Condition at last visit: Ruin
Date of last visit: Mar-1995
Ref: ROB-00529

Photos that show this place


Revised GPS as 22.356789,114.211502


Please let me know if you require further details or images. I paid a field visit at the site today Feb 26, 2020.




Alexander Macdonald

Thanks. The position has been adjusted to your figures..


Thanks for the updated location. If you can upload a photo or two, it'll be a good addition to the record. Here's how to: https://gwulo.com/node/2076

Regards, David

Is the path distrinct or not? 

 Did you access this place from Kwun Ping Rd? 

Is there any entrance left, or just the pillbox ruin?

Can't say much about the path now. Just near the start of Kwun Ping Road was a driveway leading to a house. That was the start point, the PB was on the side of the hill past the house and higher up. There was no remaining tunnel, but a very obvious trench where it had been, leads to the PB.

P_20200327_PB202_entrance.jpg, by H. LO
P_20200327_marker.jpg, by H. LO
P_20200327_PB202.jpg, by H. LO

Read your reply just now. We have been successful in locating the pillbox, the collapsed tunnel, the entrance and a marker stone.

We have cleared up the place somewhat, ie, doing some weeding.

The coordinates on my cellphone for the pillbox is 50QKK1281074978

22.3567863 , 114.2114719