brick 1 with HKB.JPG | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

brick 1 with HKB.JPG

brick 1 with HKB.JPG

This brick might be a product of Hong Kong Brick and Cement Co..This factory was situation at the foothill of Nam Long Hill, southern Hong Kong Island.


The imprint may be for the Hong Kong Brick and Cement Co as mentioned here 

I agree with you. I had searched via the internet and could not find any other brick factory matched HKB.

What about the other bricks with imprints? If information is known about their orign, I would suggest to post them with your photos. Many thanks again for sight of these bricks.

Shall do it soonest.

Hi Jade,

Great work on finding the foundations for the old cable car. I think you are correct in saying that the "HKB" brick comes from the old Hong Kong Brickworks at Deep Water Bay, please see for further details.