This picture appears in a HK Government tourism booklet dated 1965 inferring it was a sight to see in the New Territories. Presumably photographed earlier in the 1960s. It seems not to have been photographed too often or appear in postcards from that time. Where was it and what happened to it?
Stone Arch Bridge-New Territories-where?
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Submitted by IDJ
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Saturday, June 15, 1963
- Stone Arch Bridge-New Territories-where? shows Place Three arches stone bridge near Fanling [????-????]
This is VERY similar to the photo that philk uploaded on 31 December. With the query that it could be the bridge in Roland's 8mm film clip - I had just uploaded a "still" - here - taken from it with the same query "where is it?".
Philk suggested it could be the same bridge as it looks very similar and it was taken while my Dad was doing this '"round-robin" route (Tai Po - Castle Peak Roads) on 25 February 1948.
It was after Roland "shot" the Atlas plane at Kai Tak, then it was established he stopped on Tai Po Road and "shot" Mai On Shan coastal settlement, then the passing Kowloon-Cantoon train and then he "shot" this bridge before entering some town where there were all these covered trucks lined up (army?) - see: - after that he came to what I thought was a border crossing - see: - but it has been suggested it may be army barracks and considering the covered trucks this seems more likely - so maybe the town he passed through is Tai Po? or maybe Fanling?
Phil's photo is at: http:/
Phil's photo is at:
Stone Bridge
yes, this is the same bridge, but IDJ's picture gives a clearer background that has - coupled with Lawrence's comments about Kau Lung Hang and Wo Hop Shek - meant I have found a match for the ridgeline at the back. Unfortunately the exact position isn't known and modern development means there is no longer a decent line of sight all round, however, the small river that leads off from the opposite side of the road of Wo Hop Shek seems likely. The area is now dominated by the Jockey Club Road flyover, but the ridgeline at the back is definitely Wo Hop Shek.,114.148308,3a,75y,210.65h,85.19t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s-uHTyITuVhQcXs8_9ZkbgA!2e0?hl=en
The high rises now blocking the view are Dawning Views and Avon Park.
I think it is safe to assume that Suzie's dad probably filmed the bridge from Tai Po Road as hedrove up towards Fanling - which means he has the angle from the other side of the bridge.
Personally I'm quite shocked that this thing wasn't preserved. I wonder when it was removed?
So this bridge has gone?! I too am shocked to hear that. What an absolute shame.
Perhaps in the interest of history it can be re-built - as much "as was" as possible?
(This was done with the stone arched bridge in Mostar - built by the Ottomans in 1566 in Bosnia-Hercegovinia, after the ancient bridge was destoyed in the 1990s conflict in Yugoslavia - because it was considered a technical marvel of the day - so maybe something similar can be done here, it would be a small task in comparison!).
And in the long term better value than any new 'monument' !
Going on the now presumed location of the bridge - I'm inclined to think Roland then passed through Fanling and that is where he saw the covered trucks - so the army barracks (???)must have been just pass there somewhere?
re: stone bridge
seems odd the bridge doesn't appear to cross any water...
Chinese Stone Arch Bridge
This photo was dated as 1937. Believed to have been taken in Hong Kong. Not sure if it is the same bridge.
Chinese Stone Arch Bridge
I tried to compare the stone patterns but couldn't be sure the two photos show the same bridge. Perhaps they were taken from opposite sides. Vegetation buildup and water pool location suggest they are the same bridge. It seems that water flow which once ran under it is no longer possible due to the high ground; so I wonder if the stream has been relocated to another site.
Stone Arch Bridge
HT Wong has recently posted another view of the bridge along with seemingly official reference notes on the print border
Stone Bridge
IDJ - that picture gives an even better view of the ridge at the back and means a better idea of where it was. Nice find.
Stone Bridge
The flattened slope behind the houses is probably still there and should give a good location clue.
It not an obvious place to build on and so obliterate the slope. I seem to recall seeing slopes similar from the train.
I think it's pretty much
I think it's pretty much where we said it was in the earlier comment, but perhaps slightly more to the south. It's difficult to see in Google Earth due to the limited view. I'll try and get out there at some point.
Stone Arch Bridge
Nice newly posted 1960s photo here