Pillbox 005, Kong Sin Wan / Telegraph Bay [1939-????] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Pillbox 005, Kong Sin Wan / Telegraph Bay [1939-????]

Current condition: 
Demolished / No longer exists
Date Place completed: 

The wartime map shows this pillbox on the pre-reclamation shoreline.

I don't know if there are any traces of the pillbox remaining, but if you have any memories or photos of where it was and how it looked, please leave a comment below.


I looked around the area where I thought the pillbox should be, but couldn't see any sign of it.

There is a photo on page 6 of the book 'War Relics In The Green' titled 'A pillbox at Telegraph Bay which will soon be demolished'. The pillbox in the photo isn't pillbox 4, as it has the round periscope tower on top like other machine-gun pillboxes around the coast.

So I assume pillbox 5 no longer exists.


Year completed is: Approximate
Condition at last visit: Demolished
Date of last visit: Mar-1998
Ref: ROB-00604

I made a web site since 2000 for Hong Kong World War 2 ,  mostly Old Bunkers..


http://royaltigergear.com/hongkongww2/ , more photo in Tab OTHERS..

I took the bunker photo around 2003 , that time the cyberpot is still a construction site ( office area just finish )


according to villager that time this pillbox 005 was destroyed already ( It's on the side of the road ) .