IMG_20200712_KIL8284.jpg | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong



Can't really be sure of its number, would someone help me with that please?

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Sunday, July 12, 2020


Hi There,

Looked up the KIL and found at GeoInfo Map that is is KIL 8284.  There are other similar markers along Prince Edward Road too.



kil8284.jpg, by tngan


Thanks a lot for the info.

So you meant there's a way to check the lot no. in the Geoinfo map? 

Hi There,

Yes, Geoinfo Map is just one of ways to do it.  Davis is using something else (I have forgotten which one).

While you are in GeoInfo Map, if you click the 'Search' before typing anything, there are options to display lot or others:

geoinfomap.jpg, by tngan


If you know a current log number, you may type the information and it will show you the lot.  I would usually use the lazy method of selecting show all lots and then zoom in to the location I like to see.



More tips on looking up lots: