Damage from 1874 typhoon
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Submitted by Admin
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, September 23, 1874
- Damage from 1874 typhoon shows Place City Hall (first generation) [1869-1936]
- Damage from 1874 typhoon shows Event 1874 Typhoon
- Damage from 1874 typhoon shows Place Douglas Wharf (pre-1874) [????-1874]
Douglas Wharf
Caption on this photo:
Wreck of the steamers Albay & Leonor, Praya & Douglas Wharf destroyed by typhoon 22. Sep./74.
Shows Douglas Wharf (pre-1874), possibly Pedder's Wharf (pre-184) on the extreme right.
Lai Afong
The photo is attrbuted to Lai Afong (https://www.hpcbristol.net/visual/na15-02)