This is a rock quarry that provides the setting for the finale of the film 'Snake in the Eagle's Shadow', shot in 1978. It was also seen in 'The Fate of Lee Khan' in 1973. Maybe Ho Man Tin? Any ideas?
Quarry in Ho Man Tin ?
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Submitted by Beylogan
- Quarry in Ho Man Tin ? shows Place Whitehead Point Quarry [????-????]
Whitehead Point
I believe it was the quarry at Whitehead Point (烏龜沙咀). It was a popular place for filming in the 70s.
Thank you! I wondered the
Thank you! I wondered the same thing, but, when you see that location in 'Bruce Lee and I', the sea beyond is very visible. When you see the quarry location in The Valiant Ones and Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, you never see the sea. Hmmmm...
with regards to this and other locations, you may have better luck contacting Andi, the owner of this website ( He's quite knowledgable when it comes to 70s-era kung fu films.
He's amazing, and that site
He's amazing, and that site is invaluable. I couldn't find anything posted about this specific location, but I will reach out to him. Thanks, again.
I can confirm it's the Whitehead Point quarry. The confirmation is found by looking at these two screencaps below. The first one shows the view looking southeast towards a distrant ridgeline which is Kai Kung Shan (雞公山) - located on the east side of Three Fathoms Cove. The second image shows a very small but definite view (top right of image) of several of the peaks along Pat Sin Leng. So is looking more or less north west.