Charles Edward FRITH [1879-1937] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Charles Edward FRITH [1879-1937]

Charles Edward

An article about him appeared on page 2 of The Hong Kong Telegraph, 1931-07-15:



It is not given to many to have the distinction of 36 years continuous service with the Imperial and Hongkong Governments, yet this record was yesterday achieved by Mr. Charles Edward Frith, A.R.S.I., Chief Inspector of the Sanitary Department. Mr. Frith will be the recipient of hearty congratulations on this record.

Joining the Royal Marines in July, 1895, Mr. Frith saw service on the China station until May 1903, when he purchased his discharge, having reached the rank of lance-corporal. He saw his service with H.M.S. Isis, being concerned in the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, assisting in rescue work in Shanghai, Amoy, and other coast towns. He also served under Admiral Knole in the relief of the Crete massacres in 1898. He was also awarded the China Medal.

From the Royal Marines, he entered the Royal Naval Yard Police Force, but purchased his discharge as lance-sergeant on August 20, 1904, and on the same day entered the service of the Hongkong Sanitary Department as third class inspector. In October, 1905, he was appointed second class inspector, and was raised to the first class degree in 1908. After returning from Home leave in 1922, he was appointed Senior Sanitary Inspector, and from January 1926, to June 1928, acted in the capacity of Chief Inspector. On June 10, 1928, he received the substantive appointment of Chief Inspector, which position he now holds.

Mr. Frith, in addition to 36 years continuous service, can also point to taking only two Home leaves during that period, while his health has been remarkably good. He is married and has his wife and family of five children living with him in Hongkong.

Mr. Frith, for the past 27 years, has been one of the most active and keenly-interested members of the Hongkong Volunteers, and says he intends to remain as such. His forte, and incidentally, his only hobby, is shooting, and for many years he headed the Volunteer Rifle team which competed in the Hongkong Rifle League.

He holds a gunnery certificate for which he qualified while on leave in 1911, and for which he had to pass a full gunnery instructor’s course at Lydd. He also holds the Volunteer Long Service Medal, which he gained as long as seven years ago.

His great interest in shooting has led him to act as Secretary or Assistant-Secretary to the annual Rifle Meeting for the past ten years but failing eyesight now robs him of partaking in the shoots. He was a member of the Volunteer shooting team which won the Belilios Shield for three years.

Mr. Frith rightly looks back on his record with a feeling of pride; and is now looking forward three years hence, by which time he will have qualified for a well-earned pension



Electoral Register 1936  102 Ardgowan Road Hither Green Lewisham

Charles Edward  Frith

Katherine Elizabeth Frith 

Iris Audrey Smith

1939 Cenus 102 Ardgowan Road Lewisham

Katherine E Frith born 10 May 1889 is described as single

She was born in Amoy China


Charles Edward Frith to Katherine Elizabeth Brockett 14 March 1913 in Hong Kong

Passenger List London to Hong Kong 29 October 1936

Iris Audrey Frith age 22 stenographer UK address 102 Ardgowan Road SE6

UK Probate Records

Charles Edward Smith of 102 Ardgowan Road SE6 died 21 August 1937

Public Ancestry Tree

Children of Charles Edward Frith and Katherine Elizabeth Frith nee Brockett

Iris Audrey Frith 23 September 1914 - 

Victor Thomas Harry Frith 1916 -  20 December 1940 El Alamein RAF Flying Officer

Edward Leslie Frith  8 March 1919 - 30 August 2012

Doris Mary Frith 12 August 1921 -  3 December 1992 [married Oswald Chan in 1944 who died in  1946 then and Edwin J Churn 1951]

Grace E Frith 4 October 1923 - 2018 St George's Hospital London [married Stanley Alfred Broadbridge]