Pillbox 101, Silverstrand Beach [1937- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Pillbox 101, Silverstrand Beach [1937- ]

Current condition: 
Date Place completed: 

Year completed is: Approximate
Condition at last visit: Ruin
Date of last visit: Mar-1996
Ref: ROB-00501


I tried to reach the pin position from the stair. However, I found the slope was very steep. I discovered some debris which look like they are from the PB but eventually I could only find a ruined structure near the pin position. The structure is similar to PB but not the appearance.

Ruined structure.JPG
Ruined structure.JPG, by ck89
Ruined structure_2.JPG
Ruined structure_2.JPG, by ck89
Ruined structure_3.JPG
Ruined structure_3.JPG, by ck89

The remains of this PB still existed in 1996. Don't know now. It was a two loophole type, but only the front and bits of each side wall were accessible. the rest was buried in rubble and rubbish, probably from when the car park was built. Access was from the steps leading down to the beach from the point they were closest to the PB. There was a landslip from the front of the PB so coming up that way would be difficult. 

Thx for the info

Maybe I was at the right position. It's been almost 25 years after all.