Pillbox 106, Chuk Kok [1937- ]
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Submitted by Rob on Tue, 2012-12-18 21:47
Current condition:
Date Place completed:
Year completed is: Approximate
Condition at last visit: Ruin
Date of last visit: Feb-1992
Ref: ROB-00506
Condition at last visit: Ruin
Date of last visit: Feb-1992
Ref: ROB-00506
PB location
Hi Rob
Do you still have memory regarding the location of PB106? Is it near any electric pole along the ridge?
New coordinates
22.34481 114.26146
Any path or tags leading to
Any path or tags leading to it? So it's south of the hilltop hidden under the canopies of the trees?
Go to Chuk Kok Road. When you
Go to Chuk Kok Road. When you almost reach the end of the road, there is a ribbon road on your right hand side. Walk for about 150m and you may notice a path on your left hand side. Its a path that ascending up to the hill. After a while you will see the tunnel of PB106. Follow the tunnel and you will reach PB106 eventually.
I went there today before
I went there today before reading your reply, thus I just went uphill from PB107, following some tags. But those tags led us going by a roundabout way on the hilltop, we had to descend a steep dirt path for the last part, i.e., we saw it lying below with streaks of sunray shining through the leaves. We didn't notice any tunnel around the pillbox, is it some distance from it?
We left by retracing some distance till we reached the first junction, then we tried the left one, which was east bound. At the next junction, we took the left one again, out of surprise, it brought us back towards where we were from, so we tried the other branch, which turned out to be the path shown on the GeoInfo Map, heading downhill towards Campers' Beach.
My coordinates differ a little bit from yours:
22.3447445, 114.2614889
I tried entering yours in GeoInfo Map but it just won't show the answer, I am wondering if it only accept detailed version, i.e., those with more digits.
Perhaps I will try your route next time.
You are almost there. The
You are almost there. The trench is very close to PB106.
PB106 -> 22.344814 114.261467
Trench -> 22.344925 114.261017
But where's the tunnel that
But where's the tunnel that you mentioned on 27/12?
Sorry I that's my fault.
Sorry I that's my fault. Should be trench instead of tunnel.
Doesn't matter, that's all
Doesn't matter, that's all right. You've been of great help already.