1960 Somewhere in Kowloon - Where is this Location?? | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1960 Somewhere in Kowloon - Where is this Location??

1960 Somewhere in Kowloon - Where is this Location??

Hi everyone. I am unsure where this photo was taken of my family other than it was somewhere in Kowloon in 1960. Might anyone have any idea?

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1960


Hi There,

Looked up 愛日亭 come up with this blog with a photo of the pavilion.  That appeared to be located in Yuen Yuen Institute in the Tsuen Wan Area, up the slopes.


愛日亭 (Loving Sun Pavilion) is in Tsuen Wan. 

Built in 1962 by JP Chiu Lut-sau (1905-1974)

愛日亭   愛日亭

此 亭 建 於 一 九 六 二 年 , 為 本 院 創 辦 人 已 故 太 平 紳 士 趙 聿 修 先 生 紀 念 其 父 而 建 , 亭 名 「 愛 日 」 , 實 為 取 其 「 敦 仁 教 孝 , 邦 邑 之 光 」 之 義 。 亭 內 除 設 有 碑 文 詳 述 原 委 外 , 也 建 有 石 櫈 石 桌 , 亭 邊 更 刻 有 龍 鳳 圖 案 作 裝 飾 , 綠 樹 纏 繞 , 環 境 清 幽 。

Very grateful for this information. Thanks for your help.

Hi. Many thanks for this.I now know the photo was not taken in 1960 but in 1962. So helpful to know about the background of the Pavilion.