My grandparents took this photo in 1974. A friend pointed out that the little structure to the right of the overpass was used to sort mail. Another friend visited the old post office in the early 70s and said it was in a complete state of disrepair. Very sad, since it looked like a beautiful building.
Old Post Office, 1974
Primary tabs

Submitted by Susan B-K
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Tuesday, January 1, 1974
- Old Post Office, 1974 shows Place General Post Office (Connaught Rd / Pedder St site) [1911-1977]
- Old Post Office, 1974 shows Place P&O Building (5th generation) [c.1965-c.1980]
- Old Post Office, 1974 shows Place GPO Mail distribution bridge and tower [c.1955-c.1977]
re: Old Post Office, 1974
Hi Susan, This was all before my time in HK, but according to the comments in this thread the little building was part of a conveyor system moving mail to and from the pier for mail boats.
Regards, David
Old Post Office
Yes, I mistyped when I wrote 'sort'. The friend who told me about the little building on the right did say that it was a conveyor system. Thanks!!!
Overhead Conveyor
The map below shows that the link bridge was an overhead conveyor system
The bridge with the conveyor belt was extended right of the tower to the new sea shore. It is just visible on the photo above.
The extended bridge is shown here: