Army Housing site. Dills Corner Camp 1975
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Submitted by 70s kid
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Sunday, June 1, 1975
- Army Housing site. Dills Corner Camp 1975 shows Place Site of Dill's Corner Camp [????- ]
Dills corner 1975
Hi, I lived at Dills Corner in 1975 and went to Sek Kong school, My form teacher was Mrs (Miss) MacDonald. I remember the bus trip in vividly (and a Ghurka driver called 'trailer'?). I was there when the boat people arrived. I was a member of the Dolphin swimming club at school and went to the Judo Club at Sek Kong too. Does the name Elton sound familiar?
Which regiment?
Do you remember which regiment lived in Dills Corner? Who lives there? Only for married senior officers and their family?
Dills Corner
I lived there 78-80 and worked at 660 Sqn AAC. The quarter were mixed junior and senior ranks from all Corps and Regiments serving in Hong Kong. I had mates in Queen Own Highlander, Army Air Corps, Royal Engineers and RAF. We also had a successfull football team and a healthy drinking team with the Dills Corner NAAFI club. Alan was the manager of the little NAAFI shop there. We also produced and sent out a newsletter to all quarters on site. Happy Days........
dills corner 172 to1974
Dills corner
Hi, I lived in Dills Corner in block 11,flat A. Miss MacDonald was my primary school teacher for my 3 years there, my last 3years of primary school. I also was in the swimming club and did judo. I played in goal and they used to call me Rubber Duck, because my name is Puckey, kids hey.
Dills Corner
Dills Corner
The name is familiar, your mum was Jill (Gillian) dad Mike - brother Mark and Paul - parents retired to Hayling
Black Watch and RA if I remember correctly. Ot was mixed our family was RMP
yes I kmow your family this is either Paul or Mark (Elton clan)
We lived there for 3 years or so, RMP my youngest son was born there in 1974 was a great time I think we lived 19 Dills corner as you turned into the main street we were right hand side block before the last. I remember thinking the birds chirped late in the evening, apparently it was the bats.
I remember the NAAFI and the swimming pool. and laughter in the mess. I remember a family named the Fletts lived opposite, also the Fullers RMP, the Eltons, RHA possibly ot maybe REME