Wedding Procession - Hong Kong or Shanghai? img_0825.jpg | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Wedding Procession - Hong Kong or Shanghai? img_0825.jpg

Wedding Procession - Hong Kong or Shanghai?  img_0825.jpg

I was wondering is the building in the photo distinctive enough to determine if this Wedding Procession is taking place in Hong Kong or maybe Shanfhai instead? - if the photo is of the same age as the others in the album it should date to around early/mid 1920s.

Please see other photo image 0827 re. wedding band.


It looks like a funeral procession than wedding procession. A tourist may not tell the difference.

The 'infernal' connotation in the label of the other photo appears likely that it is a funeral procession.

The other photo shows the funeral band with white uniforms and black belts similar to here For now, cannot make out the buildings as being in Hong Kong.

One of the 2 big lanterns has the word 沈 on it. There was also a horse, and Chinese opera costumes in the other photo.

Could this be a procession of the 沈常福 Circus? An elephant in the procession would make it more definitive.

The man holding a staff with kind of a white lantern on top is telling. It is a tabou to have white color stuff in a chinese wedding. White color is usually associated with funeral. Chinese folks wear white clothes in funerals while westerners wear black.

Another picture assumed to be taken at the same place and same date indicates it is the celebration of the birth of some deity. More information here:

It was 1920s. They used donkeys or horses instead of cars in more recent processions.