Aberdeen Permanent Cemetery | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Aberdeen Permanent Cemetery

Aberdeen Permanent Cemetery

I am not sure of the precise location

Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Tuesday, January 1, 1957


I think this is Aberdeen, but I also think it's flipped.

Thank you very much

Hi Phil,

what a coincidence - we posted parallel within the same minute. I'm not sure sure if the photo is flipped, compare this one:

Aberdeen Chinese Cemetery
Aberdeen Chinese Cemetery, by Klaus

there aren't many places in the cemetery where you can see three planes of terraces intersecting like this. It just so happens that the one place where they do, the view indicates (to me at least) that the image is flipped. Just an opinion though.

This is about as close as I can get on Googleearth, but I feel the cameraman was lower down the slope. The steps seem to match up: https://earth.google.com/web/@22.25092532,114.15278648,69.96879648a,0d,60y,242.91947517h,79.1203936t,0r/data=IhoKFmhkY0NaMTFvODd5ZkdPeVZsa0lZamcQAg

Update: image is now correct orientation. Many thanks