Sai Kung Fui Yiu Ha [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Sai Kung Fui Yiu Ha [????- ]

Tiles © Esri
Current condition: 

Photos that show this place


Hi Andrew, the marker needs to be moved NW to the end of the dead end street close to the main road. The whole bay was reclaimed and redeveloped. Phil

Hi Phil.  I'm a bit lost and suspect that the pin is still in the wrong place.  Can you name the actual dead end street on the map where the pin should go?  Perhaps David could delete the incorrect 'twin' photogaph attached to the pin leaving just the slide picture. Thanks Andrew

just to the north of where you moved it. You can see the map actually has the name at that location.

Nearly right? It's very interesting to see that the wooded hill on the aerial photograph just to the East of the photograph is now the Sai Kung Park!  Much changes but some things don't. Maybe a bit more tweaking will get the pin right?  I've now dumped the pin onto some small buildings that could even be the ones on the slide.