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1950s Alhambra Theatre
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Submitted by David
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Sunday, January 1, 1950
- 1950s Alhambra Theatre shows Place Alhambra Theatre [1934-1958]
- 1950s Alhambra Theatre shows Place The Blue Taxicabs Ltd, Nathan Road [????-????]
Alhambra Theatre
Buses and Small Building
The double decker bus on the left was a city bus. The bus on the right coming down Nathan Rd is a country "lorry" bus which went out along the coast road to the New Territories.
I remember that the small building on the left was by a car park. It had something to do with the Jockey Club.
Opposite the Alhambra theatre
My sister tells me that there was a Chinese Theatre opposite the Alhambra. I have a mental picture of a building with steps leading up to it, set back from the road. I have a clear memory of our family car being parked in a car park opposite the Alhambra, and boys being tipped to look after the car.
Opposite the Alhambra Theatre
The theatre was called in Cantonese 'Po Hing' and later became the Astor. The car park you mentioned may be the one on Gascoigne Rd just off Nathan Rd close to the South Kowloon Magistracy and Chinese Methodist Church and opposite to the Alhambra. Please see:
1930s Po Hing Theatre Steps
Alhambra/Astor/Po Hing
Thanks Moddsey for showing the front steps of the Po Hing Theatre which I climbed several times in the 1950s. I watched "Sayonara" at Astor and was called back to see it again by that large painting of the beautiful actress on the northern face of the building. How can I forget the Alhambra Theatre after watching "The Creeping Unknown/The Quatermass Xperiment" alone with no adult supervision. I am sure it triggered the early arrival of grey hair.
Car Park and Theatre
You are right. My sister referred to it being near to the "Law Courts". She also referred to a royal statue close by but was not sure that she was not confusing the staue with the one near the Cenataph.
As for the Theatre, I was right about the steps which were all I could remember. Thank you.
Alhambra and Gascoigne Road 1953