Coronation Parade 1953 Nathan Rd Floats drive past Majestic | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Coronation Parade 1953 Nathan Rd Floats drive past Majestic

Coronation Parade 1953 Nathan Rd Floats drive past Majestic
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Thursday, January 1, 1953


Thank you for sharing the Coronation Parade photos with us. I think the Po Hing/Astor Theatre would be the taller building on the extreme top left of photo.

Great stuff mate!


absolutely great, excellent website, thanks for sharing your knowlledge of Hong Kong, a place i love, but where i still have been...

so bitter about thinking i will never see Hong Kong under British Rule in my life...  THESE WERE THE DAYS, LONG LIVE BRITISH HONG KONG, from france!