Possible bunker somewhere around The Twins, a bit off Wilson Trail phase 1 [????- ]
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Submitted by tngan on Wed, 2009-05-06 10:52
I have been to the Twins again yesterday. Upon looking at the location at a lower point of view I have to amend the pointer a bit. The new location isn't absolute as I was unable to stand there taking my GPS reading. It was an estimate based on a few new photos I took yesterday.
I even tried to locate the shelter but was unable to get through the under growth. It cannot be seen from above.
I'll post a link of the photo later.
Best Regards,
Possible bunker somewhere around the Twins, a bit off the trail
Hi there,
I took a hike in the area last Sunday. While I was sitting on the steps at around Lat. 22.238550/Long 114.205322, out of breath trying to recover. I saw an object on the other side of the valley at the approximate location mentioned.
My first thought was that it was a shrine for the bones of local villagers. However when I zoom into it I realized it is most likely a WWII bunker. It has the typical iron door, which is opened. I believe there might be more of these around.
Best Regards,
re: Possible bunker
Hi T, well spotted. Those steps are a killer, so any extra excuse to have a sit down and a rest is good to know!
I wonder what that bunker was used for, as it doesn't seem to be near any other military structure.
All those steps along Violet & Twins.....
Hi Mr B,
You are quite right. I started in Aberdeen on Sunday walking up the reservoir to Wanchai Gap, then through Middle Gap Road to Black's Link, then over to Pork View and up the steps. I had to stop three times owing to out of breath or over heat.
My first stop was overheat, after steping down from the peak of Violet Hill. I stop in the middle in a shade, lying down on the concrete path for forty minutes.
My second and third stops were along the slope going up the Twins after crossing the catch water. I was simply out of breath for these two cases. Obviously I wasn't in good shape. I was still staggering yesterday.......
However the killer was actually the slightly over 1,000 steps down hill to Stanley Gap Road.
Best Regards,
That's quite a walk
I'm happy to survive the much shorter walk starting from Parkview and heading to Stanley via the Twins!
Re: That's quite a walk
Hi Mr B,
I just verified my GPS log and the distant I walked was roughly around 17 km. But I spent about 7 hours (including the stop over) to do it. I reached Wong Nei Chong Reservoir at around 1411 hrs.
I am definitely out of shape.
Best Regards,
Bunker on the Wilson Trail/ Jap Tunnel booklet.
Tngan, Nice find. I often take a run around that route. I like the circular path up from the boating reservoir near Parkview then down towards the Twins and then the flat run around the back of Repulse bay (P.B. of an hour). I have seen a couple of what looked to be bunkers around that area but upon closer inspection I think they where built by the water services dept. They look very similar to the British WW2 bunkers but slightly smaller but solid concrete and steel doors as you have described. I’m dying to go take a look now!
Fellow tunnel rats, I received the study made by the Americans on Asian Tunnel Warfare. It contains 4 chapters with the most interesting one (to me) focusing on the Japanese in the Pacific. It goes mostly into detail about the tactics used with some information on the construction. The whole thing is about 400 pages, with about 70 on the Japanese.
I can try and get it scanned into a .PDF for anyone who would like a copy? I’ll need about a week as I’m flat out at the moment and will need to take it to a stationary shop to “un-glue” it. If anyone would like a copy, send a quick email to hk_splash@yahoo.com, as long as you don’t split hairs over copyright material and call 1-800-SNITCH on me!.
Re: Possible bunker
Hi there,
Some more information. Other bunkers in the Aberdeen Reservoirs area has the same characteristics. See the wavie edge:
Relics Around "The Twins"
Last weekend I went on a hike up Mt Violet and then onto the Twins. I remember seeing a couple of things on this trusty website about some interesting items in the hills around that area, so I went on the hunt.
The first thing I came across was pointed out by Tngan a couple of months ago. Tngan said he saw something resembling a ww2 Bunker on a hill opposite the Twins as you near the bottom (repulse bay) and head up toward Mt Violet. I didn’t manage to get to the structure itself, as it is off the beaten track and you need to crash through the undergrowth, but I did see it and take a photo. It appears to be a Forward Dressing Station (Not that I’m an expert on F.D.S.) It doesn’t look like a Pillbox as it has big open windows as apposed to loopholes.
As I continued down Mt Violet toward the start of the Twins (Repulse bay side) at the very bottom was a display board with a map. I had a look behind the board and just through the bushes I found another military structure, again it looked like a Forward Dressing Station as it had the same features as described above. What was interesting about this one was just how many pegs there were lining the walls, there must have been at least 20 in a room about 3x5m and three brackets for bunks. There is also a sealed path heading further around the hill roughly in the direction of the previous building as mentioned above. In the photo below I have shown the above dressing station too
I continued up and over the first Twin and as I was ascending up the second one I spotted something just off the path. Upon closer inspection it turned out to be an incomplete Japanese tunnel. It looks like they only just got started as it was only a couple of meters deep, but it definitely has all the hallmarks of a Japanese tunnel. I did have a quick look around that area to see if I could see any others that may have been designed to connect when completed, but no luck. I was too knackered to conduct a thorough search and I’m guessing that’s not the only one around there.
As I headed down to Stanley Gap Road on the final stretch, I kept my eye out for the Artillery Observation Post mentioned on this website previously. Its exactly where the markers shows it on this site. It has been converted into an information and lookout point, with a display board showing the names of the islands and hills within view. (similar to the one at High West). Unfortunately the entrance and windows have been blocked off so access is denied. You can clearly see the camouflage on the outside and in one area it looks like the original paint is still visible, but it could be graffiti.
Excuse the courting couple in the photo. I was crashing around the bushes at their feet, but they were too engrossed with each other to budge.

re: Relics Around "The Twins"
Craig, a very thorough report as always. Interesting to see all those hooks along the wall in the shelter. I haven't seen any like that before - I wonder what they were for?
I'm just back from a visit to the UK, and had a chance to spend a day at the National Archive. I took a bunch of copies of some their HK war-related docs, so hopefully they will turn up more information about the Forward Dressing Stations.
Military Toilet, Tai Tam
I went out for a lunchtime run around Tai Tam Country Park earlier in the week. As I was finishing up towards Parkview I took a wonder around some of the BBQ sites which I’ve never bothered to look at before. Right opposite the Agricultural & Fisheries Conservation Centre there is BBQ site 3, and just as I entered I noticed a building up the slope in amongst the bushes. Upon inspection it turned out to be a small military toilet block.
The roof had the usual wavy finishing and the building had 3 urinals and a toilet. I didn’t find any other ruins around. I can only assume that current A&F building occupies the site where once there was a small barracks or the likes.
The Americans on Asian Tunnel Warfare
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