Date is a guess - Fred was in Hong Kong between 1957-9.
1950s Fred Evans' photos
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Submitted by Admin
Date picture taken (may be approximate):
Wednesday, January 1, 1958
- 1950s Fred Evans' photos shows Place RAF Sek Kong / Shek Kong Airfield [????- ]
- 1950s Fred Evans' photos shows Place Shek Kong Army Camp / Barracks [????- ]
- 1950s Fred Evans' photos shows Place Sek Kong Families' Village [????- ]
Sek Kong Plain
Sek kong
Many thanks for your wonderful pics.
I was in the REME 11th Infantry workshops. Just round the corner from 1st Tanks circa 1952.
Is it possible for me to download the airstrip photo our unit was on the edge of the strip.
re: Sek kong
Glad to hear you've enjoyed looking through Fred's photos.
If you'd like a copy of the photo for your personal use only, I'm sure Fred wouldn't mind. You'll want to log in to this site and download the 'original' size to get a slightly better version.
If you are willing to share any memories of the places / activities shown in the photos, we'd love to hear them. In particular, I'm trying to find out where the tank ranges were located in the New Territories, and how many of them there were. There are some notes about it here.
Regards, David
1st RTR
Hi David,
I am trying to find out more details of Fred's pictures from his time in HK. My father is in some of his pictures (Jim Davidson), and I would be interested to see if any of his colleagues are on e-mail etc, so I can try and get them exchanging stories.
Would you happen to have any more details on how we can get in touch with Fred, or anyone that was in the RTR between 1957 - 59?
re: 1st RTR
Hi Graham,
Thanks for writing. Any chance you can leave a comment under the photos that show your dad? It'll be great to attach names to some of the faces in Fred's photos.
Fred isn't on email, but if you'd like to send him a message, forward it to me (david at gwulo dot com) and I can send him a copy.
To find more old friends, I recommend you try the 1st RTR's forum:
You might also want to leave a comment here with some way to contact you. Then if someone reads this, recognises Jim's name and wants to get in touch, they can.
regards, David
Hi David, Thanks for your
Hi David,
Thanks for your response, I will take a look at the Forum to see what I can find. I will be talking to my father in the next few days so will mention that we can get a message onto Fred. I will also get some time to sit down in front of a PC with him so we can add more some comments around the pictures.
Kind Regards,
Thanks Graham, I'll look
Thanks Graham, I'll look forward to your comments.
1996 Sek Kong Airfield