List of people | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Familysort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Neville John Booker 1919 2004 Male
George Arthur William Boole 1877 1911 Male
Cecil Boon 1896 1986 Male
Willliam Booth Male
Leo Anatholy Borisoff / Sterling 1916 1985 Male
Antony Anthonij Bosje 1902 Male
Charles Henri Maurice Bosman 1839 1892 Male
Jack John Hubert Bottomley 1899 1964 Male
David Bottomley Male
Corrine Nina Bottomley Ellery 1934 2018 Female
Charles David Bottomley 1839 1893 Male
George Boulton 1899 1970 Male
Aitchison Margarite Boulton 1898 1964 Female
Edward Bourke 1895 1985 Male
Al Alvah Weyland Jr Bourne 1891 1968 Male
Jock / Ossie Osmund Frederick Bower 1905 1973 Male
John Bowring 1792 1872 Male
Charles Ralph Boxer 1904 2000 Male
S V Boxer 1889 Male
Donald John Boyd Male
George Thomas Henry Boyes 1842 1910 Male
Bertram Walter Bradbury 1885 Male
Frederick William Bradley 1893 1943 Male
John Braga Male
Maud Braga Female
