29 Nov 1941, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

29 Nov 1941, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 29 Nov 1941

Arthur rolled up at 5pm.  We had tea at home, then I went to office. (Although Saturday there was a Defence Exercise, we were working shifts and I was due for evening 6-11pm. I told Tony Cole of predicament, and he said he would do my shift for me!  Arthur and I took Mum to see 'Sun Valley Serenade'.

Because of Exercise, so there was blackout and no trams or buses during 'pretend' raids, so we had to walk most of the way to Central and back because air raid sirens blew from time to time.  Saw a plane drop a 'pretend' parachute.