14 - 15 Dec 1941, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

14 - 15 Dec 1941, Barbara Anslow's diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sun, 14 Dec 1941 to Mon, 15 Dec 1941

Diary not available from this date until 22nd January 1942. but the following written up from brief notes of that period when diary was recovered.

So cold in the night.  Had to get up while it was dark ((as working from 7am to 3pm)).  Went to Parisian Grill for breakfast with Mr G. B. Murphy, Lillian and Janet.  ((P.G. was only a short walk from Dina House)).  It was bacon and beautiful chips, and bread and butter and coffee. Then to tunnelCentral Police Station bombed badly in afternoon, several killed.  Felt the concussion even in the tunnel.

Peggy ((Wilson)) invited me to stay with her in MacDonnell Road flat so moved there after shift.  'Uncle Sidney' (not a real uncle, but friend of Peggy's family) also lodging there, he is S.S. Harris, Gas Detection Officer.  ((All 3 of us slept in the same room, felt safer that way.))  We had cold meat and salad.
I'm very mixed up over the next few days.  Raids most of daylight hours, and shelling day and night.   Peg & I got up at half past 5 and dressed in the drying-room as could have electric light on there as no windows.  To conserve Peggy's food stocks I went to breakfast at P.G. before going (with tin hat and respirator) to tunnel.   Peggy now drove a truck or lorry where required after finishing shift at 3pm. I admired her a lot for that.