27 Apr 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

27 Apr 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Mon, 27 Apr 1942

Mum had her womb removed.  It took 2 and a quarter hours.  At 5pm we went up to ward and saw her just for a moment.  She was just round from the anaesthetic, and said 'it's so sore' and 'don't worry', but her poor head was so heavy.   Her legs were lashed up.  She looked dreadfully pale, her hands so thin.  We have to get hold of all the food we can for her.  Dr Kirk and Prof. Digby did the operation.

I've been back working at the hospital.  They made lovely scones yesterday.

When Mum is out of hospital, either Olive or I will have to give up working at hosp. because Mum won't be strong enough to queue or do things for herself.  Selwyn-Clarke was in today - there's apparently no hope of getting Mabel into camp, she counts as a prisoner of war.

Japs have offered us HK$75 each, and we have made out lists of what we want to buy and it's hoped they will let someone in to town to buy it soon.

Heaps of flour has been coming in.


I think the internee sent out to buy the food was almost certainly Chester Bennett. The American journalist Hal Boyle, writing in 1946, said that Bennett was chosen by Franklin Gimson to leave Stanley to spend $3,000 (see Barbara's diary for May 25) in town. Boyle says the money was raised by the internees not given by the Japanese, but the time is right and so is the sum.

Bennett managed to stay out of Stanley and raised money for the internees while also acting as an agent for the B. A. A. G.