9 May 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

9 May 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 9 May 1942

Sent our $50 note into town via Miss Jeffery ((a young nursing sister with T.B., one of a few selected for x-ray in town as there were no x-ray facilities in camp.

All 'lucky' patients were plied with money and lists from camp friends; they usually stayed overnight under Jap. supervision at the French Hospital; they got friendly staff there to shop frantically for them, and returned to camp loaded with goods.))

((David: Were there any restrictions on bringing cash into Stanley?

Barbara: I never heard of any restrictions on bringing cash into Stanley, but I didn't have much with me anyway!  I forget where Olive got her $50 note from... her war billet was nearer the Bank than mine so maybe she got some out during the fighting.

We didn't need much money then, as our meals were all paid for at the cafe where we were registered, so would only need a few dollars to get drinks of coke etc. to go with the meals.

In my experience at least, there was nothing to spend our money on in the war! Can't remember any searches when we were sent to Stanley.))