Photos of Junction of Wellington and Pottinger Streets [????- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Junction of Wellington and Pottinger Streets [????- ]

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1929: 1920s Lyndhurst Terrace and Wellington St

1930: 1930s Advertisement

1937: Looking southeast down Wellington Street from junction with Pottinger Street

1941: Junction of Wellington and Pottinger Streets

1945: Street Scene-1945-Pottinger Street

1946: 1946 Pottinger St Air Raid Tunnel Entrance

1947: File2300.jpg

1962: 1962 Junction of Wellington and Pottinger Street

1972: 1970s Junction of Wellington and Pottinger Streets

2014: Oil Painting Pottinger/Wellington Street

2014: Pottinger/Wellington Street