28 Aug 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

28 Aug 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Fri, 28 Aug 1942

This evening Mr Fred Kelly (Police) visited us, also Father Moore, an American Maryknoll Mission priest, very young and sincere.  ((He was one of 8 newly-ordained RC priests who had flown into Hong Kong just before the Jap. attack for transfer to Missions in China.  They joined enthusiastically in camp sports, but much of their time was taken up in language lessons (Chinese) given by an older priest, Father Bernard Meyer.)) Fr Moore said he's having the best time here he's had since he was a kid, he gave us lovely new soft-back prayer books, and promises to lend us books from the American library.

((Americans had managed to bring their very good Club library into camp, but was made available only to the Americans.  The much-prized  books were housed in a small secured lobby in the Prisoner Officers' Club hall.  After the Americans were repatriated, friends of the Americans (and friends of friends) acquired tickets, as did we Redwoods from Fr Moore.
There was also a very small makeshift library for us in an ex-boiler room in the Married Quarters, its contents just a few books handed in by internees after an appeal, so very little selection but better than nothing!))

News reports that Hitler has been 'missing' for the last 6 weeks, and attributes it to supposition that he  is away planning a new front.

Mabel and Nan slept on the roof last night. I'm going to try it tonight.