James Albert BENDALL (aka Jimmy) [c.1904-1967] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

James Albert BENDALL (aka Jimmy) [c.1904-1967]

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James Albert
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c.1904-01-01 (Year, Month, Day are approximate)
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c.1967-12-31 (Month, Day are approximate)

DoB from John Black's list, which gives Mr Bendall's occupation in 1941 as "Accountant".

He was married to Louisa Helen Sigaton in St John's Cathedral on 16th October 1929, see http://gwulo.com/node/9223

Photos that show this person



Could this refer to J A Bendall  Inspector of Police (Police Reserve) appearing in photo of Police Reserve personnel with Commissioner of Police Perdue in Central Police Compound q.v.


Over the weekend I had the pleasure of visiting Barbara Anslow. She worked with Jimmy Bendall, so I asked her to look at the photo and she confirms he's shown in it.

Regards, David

A small point but one worth making, I think. The original title of the head of the Hong Kong Police Force was Inspector General. The title was changed to Commissioner of Police in 1938, not that long before the Japanese Occupation of the Colony.

Obviously a great many HK Policemen who were interned in Stanley would have joined the Force when it was headed by the Inspector General. The Commissioner at the time of the invasion in 1941 was Pennefather-Evans.

Further to the earlier post - The Head of the fist Police Force was Caine,as Chief Magistrate,in 1845 the title changed to Captain Superitendent  and on the 1.1.1930 to Inspectior General.This changed again on the 1.1.1938 when T.H.King became the first Commissioner of Police,which tirtle continues to the present day.- Stay Safe.

Birth registered Quarter1 1904 Birmingham

Baptism 13 January 1904 St Matthias Birmingham

Death registersed 1967

Ancestry Public Tree Death 1967 Fah Yuen Pitminster Taunton Somerset

His wife and children arrived in Southampton from Hong Kong in 1945

Mrs Louisa Helen Bendall 41 [1 December 1904 - 1980 in Taunton)

Master Roy James Bendall 14 [ 20 August 1931 - 1992]

Miss Winifred Helen Bendall 11 [13 September 1934 - 2012]

Master Gordon Warwick Bendall 9

Master Charles John Bendall 6

Passenger List Southampton to Hong Kong 1949

James Albert Bendall 45 government official

Louisa Helen Bendall 44

Winifred Helen Bendall 14

Gordon Warwick Bendall 11

John Charles Bendall  9(sic differs from 1945 details)

1958 Hong Kong to Southampton

Louisa Bendall born 1 December 1904 Previous country of residence Hong Kong. Country of future permanent residence UK. Travelled alone.

China Mail 7 November 1945

J. A. Bendall flew Home via Kunming and Calcutta on 7 November 1945 after 21 years of residence and 8 years without long leave. He was Chief Accountant of the Waterworks and a senior member of the Hong Kong Police Reserve (HKPR). In 1929, he joined the Sharpshooter Company, which later merged into the Emergency Unit of the HKPR. He was appointed Officer Commanding the Emergency Unit in 1938.

Bendall was an active member of the Lawn Tennis Association, secretary and treasurer of the Civil Service Cricket Club and vice-president of the Public Works Recreation Club.