1 Sep 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

1 Sep 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Tue, 1 Sep 1942

Mary's name is down for a chest x-ray and the threat of chest trouble looms again.  She gets 2 bottles of milk a day at hospital and that will help.

Rumour is (a) the Russians are retreating round Stalingrad, and (b) the Russians have counter-attacked on various fronts.  Also, that Canada has invited us in the Far East to go to Canada, all our expenses paid.

Mr Bendall gave Mabel a lovely cake of good soap for her birthday - Agafuroffs sent him in a parcel.  ((Pre-war we often played tennis with Jimmy Bendall and the Agafuroff brothers at the Civil Service Club, Happy Valley. The Agafuroff brothers were not interned, I think they were Indian and probably both worked in the HK Government.   I never heard anything of them after the war.))


Mabel Redwood:

I remember Tony Coles frequent visits to our room with news from an unimpeachable source. I can’t remember any of these news events coming true !

I didn’t remember that it was Jimmy Bendall who gave me that bar of soap...but I do recall that I only used it once a week to wash my hair.....when Clifton brought me a bucket of hot water from the kitchen when they were washing out the rice cookers.... what luxury !