4 Nov 1942, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

4 Nov 1942, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 4 Nov 1942

Two pieces of news involving the Red Cross today.

Extract from letter home:

...One cheering fact is that the International Red Cross is definitely established at Hong Kong. The man placed in charge I know very well and I have felt far happier and more encouraged ever since I learned of his appointment. He is a Swiss by the name of Zindel and was formerly connected with Arnhold and Company...


Matron Dyson realises that the families of the imprisoned nurses must be suffering great anxiety because they've had no news of them since some time before the surrender, so she writes to the Japanese authorities asking them to inform the International Red Cross of their whereabouts:

By courtesy of the Japanese authorities:

Since our arrival in Stanley on August 10th it is thought that the British Government have no information regarding our transfer to a Civilian Internment  Camp and owing to the recent incidents it is much feared that our relatives will be exceedingly anxious as to our safety and welfare presuming that we are still stationed in Hong Kong.

I respectfully request that in order to alleviate what must be great mental distress that a cable be sent to the Matron-in-Chief, the War Office, London, stating that all eighteen members of the Army, Navy and Canadian Nursing Services are safe and well in Stanley Camp.


The Hong Kong Fellowship Newsletter, No. 2, June 1943, 8

Nicola Tyrer, Sisters in Arms, 2008, 66