12 Oct 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

12 Oct 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Mon, 12 Oct 1942

Dreadful headlines in Jap paper - the 'Lisbon Maru' which went down on 1st October was full of Hong Kong troops; supposedly 1,800 troops on board and 900 saved.  Old Horswell (late P.D.O. Dockyard)  said a 'Major M. Greenwood' among the missing; the rank could be mixed up, feel so sorry for Mrs G if it's her husband (he isn't a Major). Also a Lieut Wood is missing – I don't know if that's Joanie's husband. ((He was an officer in HK R.N.R. - but it wasn't he)).

Don't think Topper or Sid or Arthur would be classed as technicians (which we understood these troops were), but it's an awful doubt in everyone's mind.  Haven't told Mabel (still in hospital) about the ship but she's bound to know sooner or later - dreadful, because she's doing so well. ((Topper, Olive's fiance, was in R.A.; Sid (Royal Scots) was Mabel's boyfriend; Arthur (Royal Scots) a friend of mine.))

Xrays started again.