14 Oct 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

14 Oct 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 14 Oct 1942

Mabel broke down and cried, so unsettling about the 'Lisbon Maru'.  Today's notices are that Mr Yamashita is trying to find who was on board, survivors etc., and willl try to find out whereabouts of any one whose name we give in to C.S.O.

Mabel wants to come out of hospital ((being a stone's throw from the sea which looked so grey and cruel today, made her anxieties worse.)) I collected her glasses from Welfare. ((She hadn't worn glasses before this, hadn't known she had a problem.  In much later life it was discovered that she was practically blind in one eye – had been since birth.))

Maureen Kathleen Seymour born.

Mary went in for xray and returned, and thinks there's nothing wrong.

Dr Uttley gave me a medical inspection, for permanent establishment.