12 Dec 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

12 Dec 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 12 Dec 1942

Ol and I each received $15 from Govt. source, thank goodness.

Feeling better though sore under nose increased.

Mum came down to office and used sewing machine there, working on our khaki things.  On way home she fell and made a mess of her leg, so to Outpatients - she had anti-tetanus, and thiamine injections;  she must have more thiamine because she had a floppy foot ((which caused the fall)).

Received 2 vests each and a pair of long socks from Red Cross.

Rumour about an Italian priest in town having been murdered. ((NB, I think this proved to be true but have forgotten the priest's name))


I believe the Italian priest Barbara mentions was Fr. Emilio Teruzzi. His murder is outlined in Dr Pat Hase's "150 Years of Evangelization in Tai Po". It took place on 26th November 1942 in Three Fathoms Cove in Sai Kung. None of his killers were identified but it appears that the East River Guerillas were attempting to eradicate Catholicism from the Sai Kung area at the time and either they or their sympathisers seem to be the likely perpetrators.