24 Dec 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

24 Dec 1942, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Thu, 24 Dec 1942

Japs have lifted ban about concerts.  Spent nearly all afternoon (after Bridge with Mr Kelly etc) in doing up the Ward Christmas trees with silver paper, and the book marks. ((The 'Christmas trees' were simply large branches we'd collected.  Silver paper was probably from cigarette packets.  We girls in hospital office made book marks for every patient - just small slips of paper with a little drawing on, which we put on the trees.))

In evening Mrs Drown's choir sang carols on the bank above the Bowling Green.

I made small calendar-cum-engagement 'book' for Mary T.

Some 30-odd folk left for Shanghai today, including Bill O'Neill of Reuters.

We had a handful of peanuts each today - from the Japs.

To Confession at Mayknoll chapel.  Father Meyer appeared dragging a huge prickly tree.

We lit a fire in room!  Tony and Mr Kelly and the K's and we 4 all sat round it.
((There was a small fireplace in our room.))

Mabel made a nice little card for Mrs Drown whose birthday is today.