10 Jun 1944, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

10 Jun 1944, Barbara Anslow's diary

Book / Document: 
Date(s) of events described: 
Sat, 10 Jun 1944

((Date is approximate. I don't like to identify Mr A and Mrs B here, as some of the family may still be alive.))

I got to a tribunal (held in a little room in the Married Quarters which was the office of the British Community Council) to settle differences between  neighbours Mr. A and Mrs B, the latter having alleged that Mr A had threatened 'to knock her block off'.

Mr. Evans ((not sure which one)) presided. (This was over a clothes line which Mrs B had tied up in a communal area & on which she had hung wet garments. Mr A objected because of the drips  and in her absence pulled the line down. When Mrs B found her much-prized sharkskin suit on the floor she was furious, and wanted to put the clothes line and the clothes back. Mr. A. said why couldn't she put her wet clothes on the clothes lines in the courtyard, like every one else?  - I guess Mrs B preferred to keep an eye on her much-prized garment. When Mr A threatened to 'knock her block off' more acrimony followed.)
During the proceedings Mrs B's daughter aged 20 butted in once, unable to contain herself, and Mrs B had to be restrained by her husband when her indignation threatened to run away with her. Mr A for a long time refused to take back his words, though Mr Evans pointed out that he had threatened physical violence, and apparently still intended this on his own telling. It ended with both parties agreeing not to disturb each other, provided the other behaved.

There was quite a lot of garden produce stealing at this time.