Deep Water Bay Golf Course [1897- ] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Deep Water Bay Golf Course [1897- ]

Current condition: 
In use
Date Place completed: 
c.1897-07-01 (Month, Day are approximate)

Photos that show this place


I've been searching through HKGRO and the newspapers for more information about the beginnings of this golf course. I didn't find anything in the newspapers, and the only mention I've found in HKGRO from the 1890s is from the report of the Public Works Department for 1897, noting the lease of the land:

21. Land disposed of without public auction.—


An area of 16 1/2 acres at Deep Water Bay has, with the consent of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, been leased to The Royal Hongkong Golf Club for the purposes of a Golf Links subject to an annual rental of $100.

Next to the 7th Tee at DWB is a tombstone to Arnold, a donkey, with a date of 1861 from memory! Just thought you would like to know.



The leasing of land at Deep Water Bay to the Golf Club occurred during the latter half of 1897. It is also noted that royal assent was given for the club to be called the "Royal Hong Kong Golf Club" in early October 1897.

Extracts from the HK Weekly Press

16 December 1897

A competition match was held (12 December)  between the West Yorkshire Regiment and the Club at the links at Deep Water Bay. (First mention of the use of the links in the newspapers)

12 January 1898

The links at Deep Water Bay have been greatly extended and opened up, three new greens having been prepared whilst two more will be made to replace some very indifferent ones. The course is now a 10 hole one, but will eventually become one of 9 holes. The annual meeting during the month will consider the erection of a Club House, which will add much to the convenience and comfort of the members.

Ian, I've never heard of that before - I wonder what's the story behind it?

If you're out there again, please could you take a photo for us to see?

Regards, David

Thanks Moddsey, good to get some early references to the course.

There are couple of mentions of the course in the 1908 publication, "Twentieth century impressions of Hong-kong, Shanghai, and other Treaty Ports of China".

... there are the golf links at Deep Water Bay, on the southern side of the island, but they are seldom used even by the members of the Club.

An attractive course, used mainly by the ladies, was laid out at Deep Water Bay, but it is seldom used. 

They suggest the course wasn't used much initially. I guess it was due to the difficulty of reaching the course at that time. Its fortunes likely improved when the new roads connected it to Aberdeen, Repulse Bay, and up to Wong Nai Chung Gap.

The Golf Club's Facebook page has a post about the gravestone today. They say:

But just who was Arnold? Well, according to an extract in "Festina Lente: A History of The Royal Hong Kong Golf Club" , which was published in 1989 on the occasion of the Club's centenary, Arnold is thought to have been a sailor who was returning to his ship at Stanley and was subsequently waylaid by robbers and killed.