25 Jan 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

25 Jan 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Thu, 25 Jan 1945

Annie insisted on my going home with her after Mass, and I had coffee with sugar!! ((Annie was Dutch; her parents and brother & sisters also in camp;  somehow her family had access to food from outside sources, and were always very generous.  Many of the non-British internees had been brought to Stanley some time after the British, so had had more time to prepare for internment.))

Visited Doreen (Leonard), am going to teach her shorthand.

Went to see Concannon in afternoon, he was most useful, then to rehearsal in club.

Olive not well.

Had peas (in rations) today.

Yvonne Blackmore (17), Leo Barton (17) and Billy Dudman (16) all got through Matric.

Sunday's raid was on Wanchai, newspaper claims 4,000 casualties.

Rev. A. Rose gave talk on Dreams in evening.