2 Feb 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

2 Feb 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Date(s) of events described: 
Fri, 2 Feb 1945

Water day. ((i.e., it was turned on in the taps one day in 4. In evening of water day we filled the bath in our flat and every one honour-bound to take out only a certain amount per day, usually 3 small tinfulls about the size of a tin of soup, nailed on to a piece of wood. You tipped your allotment into the washbasin, washed yourself and your clothes, then pulled the plug,and the used water drained into an old kerosene tin underneath. When that tin was full, one of the men in the flat stood on the lavatory seat and poured the water from the kerosene tin into the cistern to flush the loo.))

Doreen came for shorthand lesson.

Dr Talbot had a look at my eyes, they're bad today.

Newspaper says Russians 75 miles from Berlin.

Chinese lesson in evening with Clifton (the teacher!) and Mabel.  May start to teach Clifton shorthand.

We may get back issue of rice. Got a tomato each.