Photos of Kwanti Race Course [c.1926-c.1941] | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Photos of Kwanti Race Course [c.1926-c.1941]

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1926: Kwanti Race Course First Race Meeting

1932: Sunning - Winner of the Hunan Stakes, Fanling 1932

1932: the Hunan Stakes

1933: Sun Wai Camp 1933

1934: Governor Peel and AG Alabaster at Kwanti Races

1935: 1930s Laffan's Plain

1935: 1930s San Wai Camp

1935: IMG_2723.JPG

1936: 1936 San Wai Camp

1936: Kwanti Racecourse-San Wai Camp-1936

1939: Map of San Wai

1940: Manchukuo Airlines (MKK) Ju86 Crash at Kwanti Racecourse on 5 September 1940

1940: Manchukuo Airlines (MKK) Ju86 Crash at Kwanti Racecourse on 5 September 1940

1940: Manchukuo Airlines (MKK) Ju86 Crash at Kwanti Racecourse on 5 September 1940

1940: Manchukuo Airlines (MKK) Ju86 Crash at Kwanti Racecourse on 5 September 1940

1943: KWANTI & KAM TIN landing grounds-presumably based on BAAG reports-May 1943