Kai Tak | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

Kai Tak

Kai Tak
Date picture taken (may be approximate): 
Friday, January 1, 1960


Great shot of the new Kai Tak Runway from 1958 before the extension. Probably taken from North Pass (Shatin) In before breaking left for the RHKAAF Dispersal!

Thank you for the Widgeon helicopter photos.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Marnix (Max) Groot, an airport planner from Holland. I am currently building a private non-commercial website about the development history of the world´s great airports called www.airporthistory.org.
Obviously Kai Tak will feature very prominently on the site. I was hoping that you would allow me to use some of the images publishedd on this site. I am especially interested in the aerial on this page. I hope you can supply me with the full size images since I strive to show high quality images showing as much detail as possible.

Please let me know about the possiblities.

I´m looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,
Max Groot

Please see: Can I take this photo and use it in my own book / website / ... ?

Good luck with your new website,

Regards, David