16 Apr 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

16 Apr 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Mon, 16 Apr 1945

Went down to the nullah and did a big clothes wash, but lost my soap in nullah ((across which was barbed wire, so I couldn't get at it)).  Someone's fault for taking out the stones which some one else had put there after they too lost their soap.

Air raid alarm just as I finished; apparently a false alarm, but another about noon.

Shigometsu (or some name like that - a Jap Minister) has committed harikari they say.

The camp expected an attack last night:  now expected tonight.  ((Can't remember any details of expected attack... I imagine this means the Allies were expected to attack the Japs.))

We opened our last tin of tomatoes tonight.

Had eyelashes done.