7 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

7 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

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Fri, 7 Sep 1945

Got bus from Stanley, at 8.30am, came round Shaukiwan way, much damage, a lot due to looting, the structure of the buildings seeming intact but insides were bare. I was dumped outside HK & Shanghai Bank where I left most of my luggage.

Very busy at work, didn't leave till 6. Went to Olive's room and acquired knitting wool, scent and books.

We girl have now acquired a wash amah, Ah Kit, who met me coming up Battery Path steps and insisted on carrying my case.

In evening with Nan Grady and others to cinema show at Hong Kong Hotel - 'Three Comrades' - a terrible choice.  We thought everyone in film looked too fat.

Peggy had a perm today. ((No hairdressing saloons in Stanley!!))

Curfew is now 10pm instead of 9pm.

We girls, had lemon squash with Jim Johnson,  Bicky (B.I. Bickford), Max Bickerton.  Jim Johnson told us the story of the cat-catchers in Stanley.