24 Mar 1943, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp | Gwulo: Old Hong Kong

24 Mar 1943, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Date(s) of events described: 
Wed, 24 Mar 1943

A petition, signed by 1594 internees, is presented to the camp authorities complaining about the rations. They mention the cut of 75% in the flour ration, the absence of meat, and the inadequate supply of 'proper food' - they stress that for them, rice is not a proper food and no substitute for flour.


Grayburn and Streatfield are moved.

They are taken to Happy Valley Gendarmerie (on the site of the former Italian Convent) where they are seen by C. M. Faure, who later testifies they are held in a cage-like cell in filthy and noxious conditions. On the left are a row of three cages and on the right one big one taking up the same area. Streatfield is assigned to cell two on the left, Grayburn to the large cell on the right, where he finds himself next to Henry Ching, the courageous editor of the South China Morning Post. Grayburn was later to share food parcels sent to him by his wife with Ching.

Streatfield too describes the cells as 'literally cages' and says the smell is like 'a menagerie'. There are between 40-45 people in Grayburn's cell, just over a dozen in Streatfield's. There is not enough room for all the prisoners to lie on their backs at the same time. They are given two bowls of rice a day, soemtimes with a piece of cabbage stalk; they need to eat quickly, as the same bowls are used for tea.


In the British House of Commons John Wardlaw-Milne, M. P. for Kidderminster asks a question to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs:

(Are you) aware that private reports received regarding the Stanley camp, Hong Kong, indicate unsatisfactory conditions in regard to overcrowding, rations, shortage of drugs and instruments, books, bedding and clothing....?

Mr. Richard Law replies that he is aware that 'very disquieting' reports have been received in the past, but claims that the Red Cross report of January 25 shows a 'steady improvement'. 


Petition: MacNider Papers, 'Stanley 1/3/43'

Grayburn and Streatfield:  E. P. Streatfield, Account, page 4in Hong Kong Public Records Office, HKMS100-1-6; Maurice Collis, Wayfoong, 1965, 226; Evidence of E. P. Streatfield at trial of Sato Choichi, reported in China Mail, April 2, 1947, page 3; Evidence of C. M. Faure, at trial of Noma Kennosuke, reported in China Mail, January 3, 1947

Ching: http://www.hongkongwardiary.com/

House of Commons: http://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=1943-03-24a.1600.3